Why Small to Medium Businesses Hire Virtual Assistants in Australia?

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Why Small to Medium Businesses Hire Virtual Assistants in Australia?

Small to large businesses wrestle with the economic and social impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Many business owners realise that old ways of running a business are no longer an effective approach these unprecedented times.

Knocked down by disrupted supply chains, shifts in customer demands, and employees forced to work remotely, businesses are trying new workflows and processes to cope with what becomes the new normal.

One factor being faced by many business owners is the need to swiftly adapt in the new normal to ensure business continuity. With revenues and profits plummeting, failure to lower operational expenses would mean hitting the bottom line and could even spell the business’s end.

Business owners hiring virtual assistants to help them do some work are beginning to gain much more traction. Time and time again, hiring a virtual assistant has been the most sensible solution for numerous business problems that challenge every business owner. However, not all reasons to hire a virtual assistant from another country are problems; many times, business owners simply need time to focus on their core business.

Whatever your reasons for hiring a virtual assistant, we listed below the most common reasons you should hire a virtual assistant in Australia to help you do business.

English Speaking Country

The number one pain when outsourcing overseas is cultural barriers or communication issues. But this doesn’t mean that you cannot find a good English fluent virtual assistant in any country. Australia, however, is one of the countries that English is their native language. This is an essential factor; hence miscommunications or language barriers can lead to misunderstandings and cause costly and substantial errors. Hiring a Virtual Assistant who speaks native English dramatically reduces the possibility of this from happening.

Time Difference 

The time difference is a huge factor to consider before hiring your Virtual Assistant. Wherever you are in the world, time differences can be an advantage and disadvantage.

For instance, if you’re inside the EST time zone, your 11 pm time is 9 pm in Australia as they are ahead of you for 15 hours. It means you can efficiently keep your business running around the clock while you’re fast asleep. On the other hand, Virtual Assistants are flexible in schedule and are willing to adapt to whatever working hours you said.

Your Virtual Assistant Can Be Your Network Pass in Australia 

Hiring a Virtual Assistant to work for you, especially if he/she is in a different country, is one of the best ways to establish local connections there. If business connections in Australia interest you, then having an Australian-based Virtual Assistant to prospect out for you will be much more effective than hiring from a different country. Indeed, those little “lingo” resonates well with networking. Moreover, if your business is catering to Australia, hiring a Virtual Assistant in another time zone is a problem for timely replying to calls and emails. 

Strong Educational Foundation

Australia is a first-world country, so expect them to be forefront with their education system. It’s easy to hire a well-educated and talented Virtual Assistant in Australia.

Australians working hours are early.

For most people residing in the U.S, Europe, and other countries, the working time starts at 9 am or even later. However, not in Australia. It’s common practice for them to start work earlier in the day or at about 8:30 in the morning. And this doesn’t mean they get to punch out in the clock earlier in the day.

Australians work longer hours than employees in other culture. This is one reason why they allow some flexibility in their working hours. For instance, in some workstations, it’s not common for them to schedule lunch breaks. In Australia, however, people can have a break whenever it suits them. What’s more to Australian work ethic is they don’t have to call their boss just to tell them they’ll be 10 minutes late. It’s because employees from Australia put in a lot of work outside of their breaks. Those few minutes won’t make a difference. This is one reason why Australia is a positive work culture example.

Virtual Assistants from Australia Keeps Things Casual

Some work environments usually are quiet and focused. On the other hand, Australians are Freebirds who love to socialise with co-workers and keep things casual in a business setting. In an Australian workplace, they allow people to socialise during working time. After all, communication is a key to developing a good team and work environment.

Some companies have the tradition to gather once a week at a specific time just to socialise with snacks and drinks. It’s an effective way to get to know each other and an excellent way to relax outside the workplace. Also, to run things smoothly and focused, they don’t mind playing music on the work station.

Punctuality Matters

For Virtual Assistants from Australia, punching them on time is very important. The standard office hours are 9 am to 5 pm, but it can usually be taken at any time you choose in Australia. In some industries, your employer has set working hours, and they generally follow a standard pattern, unless you’re working contractually and on a casual basis. Meetings are also scheduled at least a couple of days in advance.

Virtual Assistants from Australia ask the right questions.

Asking a smart question is often seen as a sign that someone is paying attention. If they are confused about what you expect or have a question about a particular task, Virtual assistants from Australia ask questions rather than figure it out themselves.

Why You Should Hire Virtual Assistants in Sydney Australia to Help you

According to the Australian Government, there are over 2 million small business owners in Australia, and it’s growing day by day. Small businesses, which employ less than 19 people are mostly run by families and solo entrepreneurs. Despite having a business, families can still manage to accomplish their day-to-day mum and duties whilst running their own businesses. These small business owners can manage to pull through because quite a number have decided to Hire A Virtual Assistant.

A great number of these business owners have operated into hiring Virtual Assistants in Sydney, Australia. But what precisely is a virtual assistant, and how are they fruitful to you and your business? From the word itself, a virtual assistant gets you help with the things you need done through virtual and remote assistance. May it be through records keeping, writing content, keeping track of your daily meetings and errands. In today’s technology-driven world, working with a virtual assistant is, by all means, possible. 

When you Hire A Virtual Assistant, it’s not only beneficial for you, but it also is beneficial for Australia because you get to grow and expand your business at a much lesser cost. Business owners who want to hire A Virtual Assistant can find out more about this by visiting Kaya Services. Those business owners who have taken on hiring a VA have become increasing in number. There are fewer costs, less paperwork, and little to no fuss at all. Virtual assistants are multi-skilled and can also multi-task. So, whether you’re a mono-tasker or a multi-tasker, virtual assistants can make your daily lives easier.

Kaya Services, situated in Western Sydney, has a pool of multi-skilled and multi-functional Virtual Assistants in Sydney, Australia and in Metro Manila, Philippines. These VAs can do executive assistant work, from responding to emails on your behalf, answering your gazillion social media queries, and setting up your appointments for you. Undoubtedly, many small business owners, on the go mums, and sometimes, even startups have decided to Hire A Virtual Assistant because of the many benefits. Here are some:

No fuss, just get the work done: Employing a VA from Kaya Services means that the candidates have gone through a pre-screening skill test before they would have been pooled. This means that you need not worry about reading their CVs, finding out their strengths, etc. All we demand is for you to tell what you precisely need, and Kaya Services, with a pool of highly skilled Virtual Assistants, will readily have a VA in place for you.

English Proficiency: Given that the Kaya Services Virtual Assistants are offshored in the Philippines, and with the Philippines high literacy rate, communicating with your Virtual Assistant is not a problem. English is widely used in the Philippines as a medium of instruction, so most of its population is fluent and close to native English Speakers.

Cost Efficient: Since all the work and communication is done remotely, there is no need for a physical office. There is also no need to compensate for full-time wages, office space rent and all the costs that come with it, i.e. utilities, etc…

Expert Perspective. There’s a misconception that VAs are only limited to data entry. But as more professionals choose to work remotely, there’s a lot of VA who can handle quite a bit more than that. You can hire VA who specialise in a particular area like content writing, copywriting, social media management, accounting, and web development. You might even find a Virtual Assistant who can do all that!

By hiring a Virtual Assistant whose more knowledgeable in an area than you are, you can gain insights that you never have the chance to know on your own. Plus, you can free up a lot of time when you don’t have to learn a new skill because your VA can do that for you. Let your Virtual Assistant handle what they love to do, and you can focus on what you’re good at doing.

Practice and Grow Your Business. Another major outcome of delegating the routine and boring day-to-day task to a VA is that you’ll have more time to concentrate on expanding your business. For instance, if you’re getting into real estate investing but haven’t really had the chance to look for new properties to add to your folio, your VA could conduct the necessary market research, projections and even make the inquiries for you.

Moreover, many VAs are talented in marketing techniques like copywriting, content writing, and graphic design. If your business is digitally ready, letting them handle your day-to-day stuffs will get things running far more efficient than you could do by yourself.

Virtual Assistants are here to reduce your workload whilst you grow your business. They are here to reduce your stress and bring efficiency to the workforce. Hiring a Virtual Assistant doesn’t have many downsides. So, if you ever considered hiring one to prevent your team’s burnout, we definitely recommend you look into it.

Once you’ve tasted freedom from tedious work tasks, you’ll never want to go back. The benefits above are just the tip of the iceberg. There’s more to this, and we’d be glad to have a chat with you. Give us a call and letโ€™s talk about your free trial.