How Kaya Virtual Assistants Can Help you Expand Your Business

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How Kaya Virtual Assistants Can Help you Expand Your Business

Building a business requires time, patience, and constant attention. It also needs the same level of workforce and dedication in expanding your business. To accomplish it efficiently, learn to delegate and witness how it brings benefits to your company.

But, how exactly can a virtual assistant for business help you? 

Check out these scenarios:

Imagine having to work on a presentation document yourself for a client. As opposed to handling more vital tasks and urgent roles, you are there perfecting your actual presentation and sales pitch.

And this one, too: will you just sit down and prefer to create content and tediously scheduling all of those for a week or month? Or are you going to work on more heavy tasks like operational and finances?

What if someone is highly skilled to help you with all those administrative tasks? Amazing unique running your business (and your life) will be much, much easier! 

Company and business growth 

Most entrepreneurs aim to bring new offers (products or services) to the market. Some believe that partnership could improve their organisation. Business owners also prefer to expand new branches, new operations and upgrade their business management.   

Like these entrepreneurs, how would you expand your business during these modern times?

For the 21st Century, it is a plus to focus on extending your company to digital marketing. It includes social media accounts, online platforms, and other digital formats to gain more exposure in the market. 

Any of these expansions grabs your attention. So, you should start making a move and delegate some tasks to trusted and skilled individuals. 

Digital marketing and outsourcing

Business marketing today requires to you enter digital. Why? It is due to people spending more time using their gadgets and mobile devices. So, it is a smart move to come along with the place where the crowd is present. Through this, even your business is well-established, or you are just starting, you need to ensure an effective digital presence. 

How would you do it? 

Itโ€™s pretty tricky to handle these things. You need to learn all the skills, tools, and platforms commonly used for digital business. You must also master how internet people think, feel, or act. As a result, you can hit the accurate target market with the proper technique you have. 

But then, it takes time. Sadly, it could even hinder you from expanding your business. However, instead of just planning to expand your company, why not start extending help from people, too? 

Hereโ€™s how skilled individuals, like virtual assistants and digital marketing services companies, can help you a lot.

How Virtual assistant can help you 

#1 Manage your social media accounts

Creating your business account on social media gives you plenty of opportunities. It allows you to connect with your consumers whilst you can also build trust in them. Besides that, you can also launch products, services, and new offers through these accounts. 

However, it takes time to provide content for these platforms, and thatโ€™s how a virtual assistant can do it for you. They can design and schedule these social media posts. Your VA can also reply to your followers on social media platforms. As a result, they can keep your account updated and active in engagement, strengthening your brand name. 

#2 Prepare analytics reports. 

Another essential aspect of digital marketing is analytics. It includes website analytics to check your website improvements on sales conversions. Analytics also tackle social media analytics to verify the companyโ€™s progress on its engagement. It even determines the growth of your brand awareness.

To monitor these reports, ask for some help from your virtual assistant. They can make a regular compilation every week or month. These reports may also consist of data, explanation, and analysis. Your VA can also give suggestions and solutions to improve your conversions, resulting in better revenues.

#3 Look after your financial admin tasks

Aside from marketing strategies, you also need to handle financial tasks on your computer.  Invoicing, mobile banking, and other payment transactions might take most of your time. It could even cause problems if you mismanage these tasks.

In this case, reach out to your virtual assistant and allow them to do these finances. They can help you in sending invoices to your clients, securing all their payments. Aside from that, they can also give time for bookkeeping to fix all your financial transactions.

#4 Plan your schedule and to-do lists.

Expanding your business could take most of your time. It requires you to manage your schedule delicately, ensuring you have time for everything. The business expansion also needs to obtain specific deadlines to meet the initial plans for the projects. Through this, you should plan out your comprehensive list of tasks without delaying anything. 

Your virtual assistant can guide you through this planning and plotting of the schedule. They arrange your tasks depending on their importance. They can also assist you with your business meetings, personal errands, and other company operational transactions. 

Other than that, your virtual assistant can also act as your manager, handling your overall actions of the day. It enables you to stay alert and ready in every task and meeting. As a result, you can maximise your time for different tasks you need to expand your business.

#5 Handle your clients and customers.

Besides arranging your schedule, you must also look after your clients and customers. You need to ensure that their queries, feedbacks, and other transactions are responded to promptly. It includes their emails, chats, comments, or even phone calls. 

To have excellent customer service, you must assign it to your virtual assistant. They can help you improve your communication and engagement with your customers and clients. It could result in a better rapport with people, enhancing your relationship with them. 

#6 Perform HR tasks

In expanding your business, you could also hire more employees. So, you must do job posting on different channels. You also need to screen all these applicants and meet them up online or face-to-face. Of course, this process takes time and requires you to handle it properly. 

Your virtual assistant can handle this task for you. They can help with the job posting until the hiring process. Your VA can also allot time for the onboarding process and other HR needs. So, you would not worry about handling your employees because your VA is always one call away.

#7 Provide email marketing services.

Another essential type of marketing to expand your business online is email marketing. It allows you to connect with your subscribers and send sales letters to them, pitching your offers and promotions. Through this, you can boost your digital presence, ensuring a constant and effective engagement with your audience.

But still, email marketing requires you to have skills in copywriting. If you are not skilled or experienced in this skill, you might not effectively reach out to your prospective clients. 

In this way, you need to seek someone expert in this task. Your virtual assistant can do it, especially if they have a background in the field. They can maintain your email marketing account and other future campaigns. Most importantly, they can provide you with compelling and well-versed sales copy, ensuring you have leads and conversion.

#8 Manage your projects and your clientโ€™s projects.

In expanding your business, you also need to handle your companyโ€™s current project and your clients. You need to make things in order without neglecting other tasks. Even though you want to extend your business into other properties, you must not compromise your current companyโ€™s standing.

So, you must ensure that your keep your projects organised and smoothly accomplished. You also need to reach the deadlines to maintain the quality of your offers.

This part of handling both your business and expansions are not typical. Thatโ€™s why your virtual assistant should take over this task. Delegate this job to them and allow them to manage all your internal and clients projects. Through this, everything runs smoothly whilst you start expanding your business correctly.

#9 Create content.

Companies that also expand their businesses online needs to provide captivating content for their audience. These contents also make their page or website to be more reliable and well-established. So, entrepreneurs like you should make sure to produce amazing unique content to attract more clients.

Content creation includes blogs, literature, graphic designs, and other business materials for marketing purposes. It does require skill, creativity, and time to accomplished these tasks. For example, your blog should comprise 500 up to 1000 words. 

Through the heavy workload of virtual assistance, it is best to look for virtual assistant services. Hiring a virtual assistant could help you obtain high-quality content for your business, resulting in better partnerships with clients and a stronger rapport with your target market.

Any of your plans to expand your business requires vast assistance. You need to fix all your task and juggling various activities in managing, operating, and marketing your company. So, reaching out for some help to virtual assistants could lighten up the heavy workload of your current business situation and plans.

Getting a virtual assistant during a pandemic

With the current situation and everyone adapting to the new normal, many outstanding unique solo entrepreneurs and small business owners are still on the fence about continuing their business or going on a temporary hiatus. 

Although itโ€™s a global fact that economies are crashing and businesses are shutting down because no one wants to come in contact with the virus, who would? With the help of virtual assistants for business, you can continue to operate your business. 

You will still get to reach out to your clients via online meetings, post and manage content on your social media, reconcile invoices for your accounting. These VAs can answer customer queries, manage your email, update your customer records, make phone calls for reservations, future travel, and even design your businessโ€™s logo! The list is endless, and youโ€™ll be surprised at how much you can do with a VA for your business.

In essence, you can continue to operate and work on tasks that are more valuable for your business. So, instead of being stuck in the background working on documentation, etc., why not delegate it to someone skilled and experienced?

Hire a VA now 

With the help of a Kaya Virtual Assistant, you get work ON your business instead of working IN the industry. That alone makes a huge difference. Kaya Services is an outsourcing company that has assisted a long list of Aussie brand names. They have rocked their social media accounts, website, and other administrative tasks online!

While most of them have sadly had to put their business to a halt, the flipside is that many have also decided to continue through the help of Kaya Virtual Assistant Services. 

Working with a Kaya Virtual assistant for businesses means that they will do their roles remotely, so you will not have to worry about breaching the social distancing protocols or other health guidelines the Australian government may have imposed. 

Moreover, Kay Services includes virtual assistants from the Philippines. Outsourcing your tasks to virtual assistants in the Philippines could only seem like a challenge at the start. Why? It is because you will have to have the necessary documentation and the proper set of guidelines. However, when setting things up accurately, your business can roll out how it was supposed to. Your VA can do countless tasks for your business.

Before you think of putting your business on pause due to different factors, plan first to solve things. You could even expand your business during these difficult times!

If you wish to get assistance, call Kaya Services now! We offer you reliable, skilled, and world-class service to satisfy your company needs. Check out our board to see more of our virtual assistant services packages.